
The Dream Body Method

Discover The Dream Body Method: Feminine biohacking, hormone balancing and metabolic magic for a healthier, happier you. Feeling Unstoppable starts from within!

let's do this!

Live calls begin March 11th
Join today for as little as $49.95

Ready to feel like Wonder Woman?

Don't just take our word for it...

Ready to feel empowered, sexy & liberated inside your own body?!

Without Starving Yourself or Spending Hours Punishing Yourself at the Gym

Imagine waking up every day feeling energized, confident, and completely at home in your own body. No more yo-yo dieting, no more punishing workouts, and no more feeling like your dream body is always just out of reach.

With The Dream Body Method, you'll learn how to work with your unique biology, not against it. By combining cutting-edge feminine biohacking strategies, hormone optimization, and metabolic mastery, you'll achieve sustainable, life-changing results in just 6 weeks.

Imagine waking up every day feeling energized and excited to start your day...

to NOT have a crash midday and that after-lunch belly bloat... to feel immensely proud of your body...

Are you ready to get into the fittest, healthiest, and happiest body of your life?

I know you're probably thinking, "is this even going to be worth it."

I completely understand your skepticism. You've probably tried countless diets, workout programs, and maybe even sought help from health professionals, only to be left feeling disappointed, frustrated, and unsure of who to trust.

But here's the thing: Unstoppable is unlike anything you've tried before. It's a comprehensive, science-backed approach that focuses on understanding your unique biology AS A WOMAN!!! There are biological markers and levers you can test and optimise within your body to feel amazing. The reason nobody is teaching this is because nobody else has spent 2 decades studying it female-specific biohacking.

Until now.

Does any of this
sound familiar...

  • "Low libido" is basically your middle name for half the month, every damn month. 🙃 Is this just life now?!
  • Accepting the bald spots from postpartum shedding as your new accessory. Very on trend. đŸ’â€â™€ïž
  • "Your body will never be the same after kids." Umm hard pass on just settling for my separated abs and lingering baby pooch. Next! đŸš«
  • Being stuck in a constant cycle of Dr. Google giving you some obscure diagnosis for your latest weird symptom, while your actual doc tells you to sleep more and change your diet again. đŸ˜”â€đŸ’«
  • Trying to keep up with the next male fitfluencer who tells you to wake up before you've gone to bed and bathe in an ice-cold bath of protein every day.
  • Counting on caffeine just to survive your day because apparently being a woman has destroyed your brain power and energy stores. Who needs a memory anyway? đŸ€Ș☕
  • Only ever buying pants with an elasticated waste because afternoon bloat is real 😼‍💹

this is THE FUTURE OF FEMININE WELLNESS. FEMININE BIOHACKING FOR THE MODERN WOMAN: Where Science Meets Self-Care for Sustainable, Life-Changing Results

If you're shouting "YES, I'm ready to break this cycle!" then it's time to stop the endless struggle with quick fixes that were literally designed to keep you stuck.

You deserve glowing skin, to beat that bloat, to feel peace, calm and confident and SAY GOODBYE for good to unexplained anxiety. You deserve a sky-high sex drive, pleasurable sex and unstoppable energy.

I know you may have doubts, and that's completely normal. But I want you to know that I've poured my heart, soul, and nearly two decades of experience as a women's health expert into creating this program. I've seen firsthand the incredible transformations that are possible when women are empowered with the right knowledge, tools, and support.

  • Say goodbye to stubborn excess fat the easy way—no sacrificing your fave meals or punishing gym routines.
  • Get that glow up! From dull skin to a radiant goddess in no time—no breakouts, dark circles, or other funky business allowed!!!
  • Imagine bouncing out of bed with the energy of a toddler on your day off, brain fog kicked to the curb.
  • From fun between the sheets to deeper intimacy, prepare for some sexual healing! Say hello to new heights of pleasure, passion and connection!
  • We're talking a full life transformation—body, mind and soul—so get ready to live your truth fearlessly. You're entering your HOT era, queen!
  • Love yourself completely by embracing your Ideal Body from the inside out. We nourish it ALL over here! Time to get right with your whole fabulous self and feel at home and VIBRANT in your body.

Allow me to guide you home

say no more, i'm in!

Imagine in just 6 weeks you could:

Special Focus Areas: From mindset reprogramming to advanced hormonal and gut health strategies & testing guidance.

Resources: Including a wellness vault, detailed modules, and exclusive email content.

Weekly Zoom Calls: For teaching, personalized guidance and community support.

Unstoppable is a comprehensive 6-week program, starting March 8th, including:


program details

A Preview

of the Course

We'll begin with:

Lay the Foundation

This critical prep week sets your success trajectory by crystalizing your Ideal Health Vision in a hyper-specific-to-you framework and inciting internal shifts right from the start.

Supplement Recommendations. While optional, foundational nutrients can accelerate results. We identify helpful options completely unique for your needs and preferences. Remember, there ARE "good" or "bad" supplements - not all supplements are created equally, some are just a total waste of money.

Intuition Activation. Powerful practices to stimulate internal wisdom beyond hunger cues or cravings. We access your body's inner guidance system directly so you learn its unique language. This enables instinctive wellness choices aligned to your rhythms.

Parasympathetic Rebalance. Cultivating this relaxed neural state immediately neutralizes key sources of weight loss resistance like chronic stress. We explore modalities - from meditation to biohacking - inscribing restful patterns.

New Identity Visualization. What does your best day inhabiting your Ideal Body feel like 6 weeks from now? Outline desires in vivid sensory detail from dawn till sleep. This manifestation blueprint imprints the possibility so behaviors drift toward this vision.

module 01

We'll progress into:

Commence Weight Loss Protocol

With strong energetic and emotional foundations laid, it's time to synergize customized nutrition, movement and lifestyle shifts catalyzing weight loss.

Intermittent Fasting Windows. Determine optimal durations for consuming versus fasting aligned to your schedules and preferences. Remember, varying window lengths prompt unique reactions so personalized matching is key.

Elimination Diets. Do certain inflammatory foods undetectably stall your weight loss? We reveal through structured elimination reintroduction. Don't worry - there is no need to over restrict forever once awareness sets in.

Nutrient Ratio Balancing. Revolutionary research confirms ideal carb/protein/fat grams differ dramatically person to person. Let's uncover YOUR perfect formula through journaling, labs and metabolic signals resulting in satisfied, sustained energy.

Workout Optimization. Forget force fitting exercises you "should'' do without joy or aptitude. Curate activities energizing YOUR spirit that move nutrition efficiently through your body. You’ll learn how to align your workouts to your cycle to support hormone optimization weight-loss that you’ll SEE the results of, so you’ll be motivated to keep going. And, this will impact your overall sense of pleasure and joy for the movement you get to do every day.

module 02

Customized testing determines current needs while personally-tailored tactics promote:

Uplevel Brain & Gut Health

Optimal weight hinges upon layers of wellbeing beneath the surface. So we dedicate this pivotal week to optimizing core physiological functioning.

Brain Health Fortification. Mental resilience braces overall change adaptation and sustainability. Assess how balanced neurotransmitter activity, stress coping mechanisms plus mindfulness habits either energize or exhaust you specifically. Learn how to abolish brain fog and chronic fatigue and optimize focus & productivity.

Parasympathetic Activation. Calming this intrinsic pathway relieves unwanted inflammation, cravings, weight plateaus and mood instability. See which lifestyle resets like cold therapy, breathwork or meditation unlock your relaxation response.

Gut Microbiome Balance. The digestive system influences metabolism, immunity, hormones, skin and mental health simultaneously. We'll explore prebiotic and probiotic pairing, eliminating sensitivities and hydration customized for maximizing your nutrient absorption.

Food Sensitivity Awareness. Bloating or skin reactions seem irrelevant but can secretly promote weight loss resistance over time. Pinpoint problematic items through elimination diets then reintroduce without pressure once helpful information surfaces.

module 03

we're diving into:

Harness Hormones & Cycle Optimization

We dedicate this week to profoundly understanding and skillfully utilizing two integral pillars driving your overall vitality.

Hormone Optimization. These powerful messengers including thyroid, cortisol, leptin, estrogen/progesterone etc. coordinate everything from quality sleep to efficient fat burning. We’ll uncover:
  • Exact lab testing illuminating your current landscape
  • Lifestyle inputs shaping your most influential hormones
  • Targeted nutrition modulation strategies to rebalance what’s not thriving

Cyclic Mapping. Each menstrual phase and its shifts in temperature, cravings, motivation and sensitivities contains unique strengths. Charting your personal patterns allows harnessing the highest expression during each window toward Ideal Body actualization. This is like having a secret key to your own body’s language.

module 04

We'll work on:

Feminine Biohacking

We’re going to dedicate this week to embracing unique female strategies toward beauty, weight loss, rest and alignment with your innate rhythms & cyclical nature. Optimize from skin deep to cycle synchronization!

Skin Enhancement. Vibrant dermal indicators of inner health often signal our body wisdom long before labs or assessments. Achieve that It Girl glow factor through collagen support, lymphatic circulation, strategic supplementation and topical nourishing rituals.

Sleep & Recovery. Rest and restoration practices honor cyclic energy patterns. Reset nervous system sensitivities, imbalanced cortisol, melatonin and autonomic tone. Soon you’ll sustain yourself longer without outsourcing energy (to sugar, too much caffeine and unnecessary snacking) before refreshing sleep.

Detoxification Protocol. Enhancing the body’s innate cleansing pathways relieves myriad unwelcome symptoms like brain fog, fatigue, sugar cravings and metabolic delays.We stimulate drainage support through lymphatic movement, liver loving whole foods, specific supplementation, dermal absorption, breathing patterns and more - all personalized to how your unique genetic makeup operates best!

Feminine Biohacks. Hormones respond elegantly to strategic inputs leveraging food, scheduling, phototherapy, pleasure practices and peak state triggers. Let’s uncover your top modalities!

module 05

We'll finish with:

Actualize Your Potential

This concluding week embodies full circle integration to catalyze your ascension into your greatest, most vibrant and ALIVE version of you – at home in your Ideal Body.

Lab Testing Analysis. I will give you my recommendation round-up. Objectively assess tangible transformations across key biomarkers after our 6 week intensive. What shifted? What still calls for attention? This data-driven approach ensures precision support that will forever evolve with you.

Updated Visualization Creation. Revisit your initial visual blueprint outlining your ideal vitality-infused life. Having deconstructed old patterns and rebuilt new foundations these past 6 weeks, what wishes now sit closer to reality? Outpicture your even more boldly aligned next horizon and use the tools you’ve learned to break down a longer-term picture of what that really looks like for YOU.

Community Integration. Discover how to fuel your continued growth through like-hearted connections, inspirational mentors and complementary practitioners expanding this functional approach across all lifestyle dimensions.

module 06

The struggle is real

There was a time when I, too, was doing "all the right things" for my health. 

I had just moved across the country with my new baby, my business was booming, and from the outside, I seemed to have it all together. Yet, beneath the surface, I was struggling with anxiety, fatigue and brain fog that felt impossible to overcome.

My local MD's answer was to prescribe Anxiety meds, with a side of "you'll be fine." Now, don’t get me wrong, I have worked with hundreds of doctors over the years and I know that many of them are BRILLIANT, and have their place in our health journeys.

But, deep down, I just knew there was more to my story. I wasn't okay with a band-aid solution. I needed real answers. And, sometimes, doctors alone don’t have the time they’d love to be able to dig really deep and help you find them.

So, I used my own methods on myself.

Ok, story time...

I began my own in-depth health investigations...

The discovery blew my mind!

My progesterone (aka the calming hormone) was practically non-existent. Surprisingly, I also found out I had a common gene mutation that was exacerbating my anxiety & brain fog. Talk about life-changing. By targeting these issues with nutrition, feminine biohacking, and lifestyle tweaks, I not only lifted the fog, but magically transformed my life.

This was a huge wake-up call for me.

  • I became hellbent on researching everything under the sun to transform my health. This was my new obsession, baby! 
  • Cue the montage of me experimenting with supplements, biohacks, lifestyle changes. It was a long and winding road, but we love the hustle when it's related to health
  • And ohhh did that hustle pay OFF! I eliminated the anxiety, brain fog & afternoon slumps AND...
  • Transformed my uneven, acne-prone skin into smooth, glowing goddessness
  • Got my thick, lush hair back postpartum - whippin' in the wind like I'm Beyonce
  • Became an energizer bunny who runs circles around everyone else.
  • And let's just say the postpartum spice has been BROUGHT back to the bedroom. I'm talking XXX fireworks, y'all!
  • I did it while still eating pizza and other "bad" foods. No restrictive nonsense allowed!
  • When my clients saw the new and improved ME they demanded all my secrets
  • And when they tried my hacks, they got the same jaw-dropping results!

And this is exactly what I promise to do for you inside Unstoppable.

Could feminine biohacking be THE key?

Who Is Unstoppable For?

This program is for you if you're a woman who:

Has grown weary of traditional diets and their short-lived results.

Desires a profound change in both body and mind in 2024, you want to learn biohacking, but make it feminine and relevant to a woman's body.

You feel generally 'OK' about your body, but you dream of feeling AMAZING, you dream of feeling incredible naked or at the beach in a bikini, you dream of having that magnetic confidence and electricity that comes from feeling really, really good about yourself.

Is looking to shift stubborn fat or extra baby weight quickly and safely.

Seeks a solution that addresses more than just weight loss but touches upon hormonal balance, emotional well-being, and genuine body intuition – because if your problem was simply weight loss, you would have solved it by now.

Dreams of feeling at home in your body: grounded, joyful, confident and at peace.

Wants a personalized approach that honors your uniqueness and life's demands without being brushed off for not trying hard enough or being told you’re ‘fine’ when you just don’t feel fine at all.

okay, i'm so ready!

— stacie j.

“I love, love, LOVE how Marie looks at the whole person– physical, emotional, mental— piecing together a plan that's individually tailored to your needs.I'm forever grateful for the impact she has made on my life!”

— chelsea m.

"Change is hard. Change is scary. Leaving habits you've known your whole life to trust a new method can be a kick in the gut. BUT TRUST MARIE AND YOUR LIFE WILL BE IMMENSELY BETTER FOR IT!"

— danielle s.

"As a business owner, wife, and mom of 3 - with very limited time - I need someone I can fully trust and lean on when it comes to my health. Working with Marie has been life-changing for my Hashimoto diagnosis, especially when it comes to diet, lifestyle, and weight loss!"

— jodie m.

"Working with Marie has been life-changing for me AND my family! Whatever the roadblock, Marie always has suggestions that are easy to incorporate into my life. And she NEVER gives up on me!"

They call me 'The Feminine Biohacker' -- I'm part FBI Investigator, part biohacker, part women's wellness expert. After 14+ years as a certified Functional Wellness Practitioner, I've got a unique skillset equipped to identify and eliminate the hidden health terrorists wreaking havoc in your body.

My background in counter-terrorism taught me how to strategically seek out and defeat sinister forces. Now I apply those investigative skills as a functional medicine detective, getting to the root causes of your symptoms and guiding you back to thriving health. My earlier years as a ballet dancer having battled (and banished) eating disorders, I have one of the most unique, nuanced and investigative approaches to total mind-body health out there.

In the course, I take a gentle yet focused approach, using my Feminine biohacking methods, the latest advancements in epigenetics and hormone research to create personalized, life-changing treatments. Over 1000+ women have trusted me and it's my honour to be here with you.

Extreme workouts and strict diets are NOT the key to your dream body (and are likely making it harder to get there).

Who Am I To Teach This?

investment & joining

Original Price: $1497

join here


This much high level support with me usually comes at a minimum 5 figure investment. But, because this is our first ever time running Unstoppable and I want this to feel SO exciting to you, the investment this time is $297 (or 6 payments of $49.50!!!) There is nothing this comprehensive available today at this level of investment. Don't wait!!!! We won't be offering Unstoppable Live this low ever again!!



“She has encouraged me, guided me, and has become someone I turn to for support. She has energy, kindness, and knowledge to spare. If you are looking to understand what works, why it works, and to grow in your understanding of health and nutrition then Marie is your person! She will push you gently when needed, but will also hold you accountable to your own goals!”

—christi p.

“Marie is beyond words the most warm, loving, and radiant woman I have worked with! She absolutely transformed my life. She helped me to heal my head and heart through her devotion and understanding, which brought me a truly holistic healing experience.... I reclaimed both my health and mindset, and it's been present with me ever since!”

— kristen c.

“Marie is the person that you want on your side when it comes to being healthy. She is amazing at helping you figure out the "WHY" behind the way you feel
 I highly recommend Marie to anyone who wants to feel like their best self!”

—victoria j.

Meeting Marie, with the door she opened for me and the path she guided me on, has given me a week without seizures. And a feeling of utmost gratitude. My heart is so full, my words can't articulate it. Even the smallest "off" you feel, take it seriously and reach out to Marie!”

Optional VIP Upgrade

One Week Voxer Access

Wellness Supplement Blueprint: Curated supplement recommendations for your unique needs.

Private 60-Minute Session with Marie: Personalized consultation and planning.

Your Transformation Awaits

Maybe you scrolled all the way down here and you're thinking, 'do I really need another course!?' Let me leave you with this:

I deeply believe that you can 100% reach your Dream Body goals (& WITH great joy.) I'm not going to say it's comfortable all the time... growth rarely is.  But when you understand your own body's unique language there is a beautiful ease and joy in it all. That's something you just don't get anywhere else.

i'm ready to be unstoppable!